M: What do you feel like?
T: Hmmmm.... I don't know, you ?
M: Well your choices are restaurant or pub, somewhere we've been to or somewhere new.
T: Where do you want to go ?
M: You are the picky eater, you pick. I'll eat anything.
T: K, let's go to somewhere new!
The other day this lead us to Adventurer's Pub. Tucked away in a tiny strip mall its two blocks south of Chinook Mall on MacLeod Trail and is technically the lounge side of Tom's Pizza. My first thought was 'yup! exactly what I expected' It smells kind of bad when you first walk in, I'm guessing from years of smoking embedded in the carpets and cushioned chairs, and the clientele was bang on. Two construction workers sitting at the bar, one middle aged couple at a table, and (surprisingly) two really well dressed, rich-looking Asian business men. We settled in to our high top table and checked out the drink specials. $3.50 for a bottle of beer. I'm sold : ) Nice enough bartender, looked like she was having a good time, friendly, even high-fived me about something!
The food you're wondering? Well. Not good enough looking menu for us to even eat it. :/ It's basically the same menu Tom's Pizza uses, and I'll try it someday, just wasn't feeling it. Two pages of pizza and a page of things I assume are frozen and reheated for appetizers. I needed something a bit more substantial so we paid our tab and headed out. But not before I had to go to the restroom. This part was a trip! You exit the back of the pub into a hallway. Not a big deal until you realize its the strip mall's hallway. You've left the pub !! As you wander down a puke yellow hallway you come to the ladies. Usually this is where I hold my breath and cover my hands with my shirtsleeves. Yup - just as I thought. Dirty, Stinky and Scary. I'm guessing its the building who cleans the loo's so I can't place a lot of blame on the pub itself. Just yuk. Mike asked me on a scale out of ten how bad it was. 3 was my response, so that's bad (and I am not any type of clean-freak-germaphobe).
Now, I'm getting really hungry.... I get out my phone and hit the Around Me app as we drive aimlessly to find more beer and some food. Oh! Where's this? Its new... The Three Crowns Pub.
T: Found one ! Its in Woodbine, right at the lights two blocks down !
M: I hope this is good.
T: You and me both, I'm getting Hangry......
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