Well, sure doesn't start out that way! This place has straight-outta-70's decor, with the odd reno done so its all mishmashed now. Think hideous wooden high top tables, with the chairs that swivel to get in or out. The ones with the brass detail.. yup. But now imagine that they recovered all the tables with a new laminate and took out the smoked-stained carpet. Mike's style input: "the TV's are new and the projector doesn't suck." ( Thanks Supertech :p) Like, why do it half assed?
Our server drops the menus, gets our beer order and then doesn't come back after she's dropped them off. She's sitting at the bar chatting to other guests and staff.... *rage*. She had let us know the daily specials, Beef Bones, Pork Schnitzel, and Pizza, and of course, the picky eater, I'm asking her twenty questions. She can't do mashed potatoes as a side; she has no idea what the vegetables are that comes with the main entrees; she's pretty sure its beef gravy served on the hot chicken sandwhich. Now after answering all my questions, and running back and forth to the kitchen to find out I tell her I'll need a minute... heehee.
T: Does Pork Schnitzel count as something new?
M: Technically, no. Its just fried pork with potatoes and corn. But, I'll let it slide.
T: WooHoo! I'll have that then, it will feel like I'm sticking to the plan but I'm pretty sure its a safe bet.
WTF ??? It must take 30 minutes to come out. I can only hope that this means the pork is fresh and is pounded out per order. But seeing as though there is no other pork dish on the menu, I'm destined to believe its a mess up of some kind from the weekly order and they're not sure what else to do with it. Sidebar: They serve mozzarella sticks as a feature on Tuesday nights. But they don't actually appear on the menu, which reinforces my worry about freshness.
Oh, finally its here!! It looks like, well poop. This slab of meat must be 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. It's fucking huge! I got the mashed potatoes that I wanted so badly, gravy that covers the whole plate and CORN! Fuckin' A I love corn!! The first bite, my first reaction: it tastes like Stampede Food. Deep fried meat, that could be served on a stick. It was strange, but I couldn't get that thought out of my head. There was no seasoning, it was quite bland and the gravy was congealing. Mashed potatoes I find are hit-or-miss in restaurants, but alas, I am very picky :/ These were lumpy and gross, but gravy solves all problems! Corn, is corn. Love it anyway you serve it... I should have just had a plate of corn.
It was pub style food, at pub prices, with pub atmosphere. Including the crazy lady playing pool behind us. I can only assume she was crazy based on the 4 pony tails the was wearing, the gobs of clownish makeup, the way she spoke to herself, and how she would pace around the table counting her change in the palm of her hand. Must have been trying to figure out if she could afford another Coke, or one last game of solo pool.
The jukebox was playing some especially terrible music all night, they've got your standard Golden Tee and Buck Hunter but the money maker here is the Daytona' USA racing video game! I have yet to see another pub with this game... we didn't get to play, but I promise if we go back I'm playing some Daytona 500!
I'm glad this pub is not in our usual dining area or we might be forced to go there more often. As mediocre as it was though, I'm willing to bet we'll be back. If only so Mike can kick my ass at Daytona' USA.
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