Craft Beer Market is like nothing I've ever seen before. Sandwiched between two nightclubs the building is massive and old, but the renovations inside would have you believing its brand new. The place has just had its grand opening weekend but on a Tuesday at 230 in the afternoon there is only a handful of other guests. Fine by me, let's pull up a bar stool honey.
Our server, whos name I don't remember, has given us a bit of a run down on the location and its beer menu. Over 100 beers on tap and a scotch selection that made Mike giddy I think. The bar is in the center of the building with two enormous "islands" housing more than 50 taps each. If you follow the piping up and through the ceiling your eyes stop on a completely glassed in room where the kegs live. Holy Shit. That is a lot of beer.
We each order the sampler pack, six 4oz glasses of beer, whichever kind the staff decided on for that week. Ours ended up being Steam Whistle, Harp, Sleeman's Light, Mill St. Tankhouse, Unibroue Blanche De Chambly and one more that I can't remember.
Tankhouse: Ugh. Horrible. Beer shouldn't taste like coffee. If you want to have a coffee flavoured beverage, drink fucking COFFEE!
The one I don't remember: Ok, this one isn't so bad. I get through the first two sips, but then it tastes gross and I chug the rest to get it over with.
Steam Whistle: Oh had this one before, all over this one.
Harp: Yipee! I also like you too:)
Sleemans Light: Why, just why? This tastes marginally better than bud light.
Man, 24 ounces of beer in about 20 minutes is a lot to stomach. (We aren't lushes, we were in a hurry to get to an appointment). I'm full and burpy now. Glad I'm not the only one :)
I can't wait to come back here and try more beer! I didn't get to look at the menu though, so I can't say if the food is any good. But I promise we will go back there soon, I promise to remember the beer names and I promise to let you all know how the food is!
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